Foteco Chemicals

FOTEC is a brand of Saati focused on screenprinting chemicals. The range of products includes all screen process stencil materials: emulsions and capillary films, computer-to-screen emulsions, all chemicals for mesh preparation, stencil and ghost image removal, and even for “old style” technicians FOTEC presents masking and hand-cut films. High quality standards coupled with technical support for the stencil making industry and a long standing reliability are and will remain the pillars for the future.


FOTECOAT emulsions employ the full spectrum of available technologies. They utilize diazo, dual-cure and photopolymer chemistry, as well as specially formulated solutions for difficult applications. FOTECOAT emulsions are available that meet the needs of all industry segments. They are used for printing all types of inks, as well as patterning functional materials for manufacturing components and appliances. There are emulsions and solutions available to satisfy the demands of the total screen printing community around the world. FOTECOAT emulsions are based on Swiss technology and crafted with precision using state of the art materials in ISO accredited facilities. Whatever your requirement there is a FOTECOAT emulsion that provides a solution and is supplied with the continued level of technical support that makes Foteco a leading and dependable brand.


The Fotechem product range comprises a full suite of products to enable screen preparation and recycling. Fotechem mesh preparation products are easy to use and provide consistent results with any mesh and economy of use. Fotechem adhesives attach mesh to frame with durable bonds that resist aggressive cleaning solvents and keep high mesh tension. Screen reclaiming is addressed at all steps by high performance products that remove ink, stencil and haze. These products work as a system to ensure optimum results at each stage and extend the life of the screen.


Foteco film products cover the full spectrum of applications. Fotecap direct stencil films include Topaz diazo sensitized products and Zircon photopolymer films with industry leading performance. These are complemented by Tecno films up to 700 micron thickness for specialty printing applications. Fotecfoil inkjet receceptor film allows for generation of inexpensive film positives and enables color separation and imagesetting in-house with fast turn around and high quality. Finally, the Foteco film range also includes Fotecfilm gelatin indirect stencil films and Fotecmask for generation of knifecut film positives.


Work smart and improve quality by customizing your screen making process with Foteco Auxiliary products. Each product in the range has been tested and selected by experienced industry professionals. Streamline your screen making process. Ensure quality, save time, and minimize remakes (or maybe mistakes) by using the right tools.

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